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Faculty Professional Development
Pages within Faculty Professional Development


Rochelle Weiser
Office of Professional Development - Training Assistant
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 7:30-4:00pm
Phone: (619) 644-7364


Discipline-Specific Professional Development Speaker Funding Request Procedure

Note: Only one request per professional development speaker and per event will be approved.

Professional development speaker funding can be used only for faculty professional development events where faculty members are the primary audience. Guest speakers for a campus event where the primary audience is students, while having professional development value for faculty, would not be considered eligible for this funding.

Applications should be submitted a minimum of six weeks in advance. Applications submitted less than six weeks in advance run the risk of not making it all the way through the paper trail in time.

Please read the instructions below carefully, as incomplete applications will lead to a delay in approval.

1. Fill out the "Professional Development Speaker Funding Application" (available here; type directly on the application, then print it out), submit it to your Department Chair and Division Dean for approval, and then place it in the -Professional Development Coordinator mail box (#78).

2. Wait for approval from the FPDC.

3. Make the necessary arrangements for the speaker.

4. After the presentation/workshop is over, submit a write-up of the presentation/workshop to the Faculty Professional Development Committee, per the guidelines (available here).

5. Expenses will be approved for reimbursement upon satisfactory review by the FPDC.

Reimbursable expenses include the following:

  • Speaker's fee

  • Transportation:

    • Travel on railroads, airlines, buses, and other usual means of conveyance, including trolleys, shuttles, ferries, and subways. It is expected that the most economical mode of transportation be used, where practical.

    • Transportation to and from speaker's residence to the commercial carrier terminal, if by private vehicle, is reimbursed at the established business mileage rate. If by commercial carrier, reimbursement is at actual cost.

    • Transportation from/to Lindbergh Field, Grossmont College, and the hotel.

  • Lodging:*

    • Actual lodging costs, not to exceed charges at the single occupancy rate, are allowed. It is expected that the best possible rates for an acceptable standard room are obtained.

    • Lodging costs must be verified by hotel billing.

    • Original, detailed hotel receipts are required.

    • Credit card receipts are not acceptable.

  • Meals and beverages (excluding alcohol)

*When making lodging reservations, it is important to call the hotel and inquire about taxes, fees, and parking charges as they are not always disclosed when making an online reservation. Include all of these charges in the -Lodging" space on the forms.

Non-reimbursable expenses include the following:

  • Alcoholic beverages

  • Entertainment expenses

  • Extra nights of lodging expenses for leisure purposes

For complete district operating procedures related to travel and the -Off-Campus Activity" form, please refer to the public shared drive atM:\Public\Operating Procedures\TRAVEL.TR

(only accessible from on-campus computers)

Last Updated: 10/11/2017


Rochelle Weiser
Office of Professional Development - Training Assistant
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 7:30-4:00pm
Phone: (619) 644-7364

  • Grossmont
  • Cuyamaca
A Member of the Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District